Free Printable Five Little Pumpkins

With this Free Printable Five Little Pumpkins activity, we're incorporating a hands-on activity and math to retell the classic poem/song.

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate is an all-time favorite for kids. We’re incorporating a hands-on activity and math to retell the classic poem/song with these free printable five little pumpkins.


This is a fun video you can show them to learn the song. It goes through it twice asking them to sing along the second time.

Pete the Cat Five Little Pumpkins

And this Pete the Cat Five Little Pumpkins version is the same story if you prefer to read the book.

I wanted the students to be able to retell the story so I made this free printable. You can use it in a bunch of different ways.

Print it out and retell the story as a class. Have the gate on an anchor chart, choose a student to come up and put the correct number on the gate, and so on until the story is complete.

Or print it out in black and white and make it into a craft project for your kids. Use a piece of construction paper and have them cut out the pumpkins and gate and then glue them onto the paper. They can add additional details if they’d like.


Or draw a stick and give 5 students the pumpkins. As a class, sing the song and as their number is called, have the student stand up with their pumpkin until the song is over.

Free Printable Five Little Pumpkins

Or you can laminate it and use it as a center for the students to practice counting and number sense one through five.

Free Printable Five Little Pumpkins

These cute little pumpkins make for such a fun and quick activity during this time of year. Let me know if you have any other ways you’re going to use them in your classroom!

Click the green box to download the free printable five little pumpkins activity.

If you’re looking for another fun activity to go along with the book, these pumpkins sitting on a gate counting mats let your little learners practice counting to 2o.

Pumpkins On A Gate Counting Mats

I hope your kiddos enjoy this fun activity!

Free Printable Five Little Pumpkins

Thanks for stopping by!


Five Little Pumpkin Craft


  1. I must be doing something wrong as I click the green button but it will not print after it is downloaded. I just love this activity for Kinders.

    1. Hi there. You may be seeing 2 green buttons but you’ll need to click the large green button that says, click here to down and it’ll pull right up. Hope that helps!

  2. What a precious printable, thank you so much for sharing! You don’t by any chance have a Black and white version to cut down on the color printing?

    Thank you again for the precious new printable!

  3. Great activity – will use it for kindergarten class – they need practice in cutting , coloring and sequence order- Perfect. Thanks

  4. Thank you for the craft. I work with Early Intervention children and this is something they will enjoy. We have been singing the song everyday until Halloween. Great activity to go along with it.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and fun ideas. Also thanks for the Halloween craft, I am going to use it in the classroom. Thanks from Italy

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