Free Printable Thankful Turkey Hat
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Does anyone else LOVE Thanksgiving as I do? Don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited for Christmas and am totally already listening to Christmas music, but I also love celebrating Thanksgiving. I think it’s so important to teach our little ones about being thankful and grateful for what we have.
Today I’m sharing these adorable free printable thankful turkey hats, perfect for your Thanksgiving feast or lunch at school or even to send home for your students to wear on Thanksgiving with their families.
Sometimes it’s hard for your little learners to understand what it means to be thankful or show gratitude for things. Here are some of our favorite tools to help.
Videos and Songs About Being Thankful
What Does It Mean To Be Thankful? by
This is a cute little video that helps show little learners what it means to be thankful.
Thankful by The Juicebox Jukebox
And this is a great song about all of the things we have to be thankful. It has some larger vocabulary words too it uses like appreciate and compassionate that would be great to go over with the kiddos.
Let’s Give Thanks by Zebra Nursery Rhymes
This is another cute little song that shares a bunch of things we can be thankful for.
Thankful Read Alouds
Here are some of our favorite read-aloud all about being thankful and showing gratitude.
Thanksgiving Is For Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland
This book has colorful illustrations along with simple text to share what they are thankful for. Family, friends, and the holiday that brings them all together.
Little Squirrel’s Tale About Being Thankful by Trace Moroney – I ordered this one from Scholastic
This is a cute story about the little squirrel feeling sad, so his mom sends him on a walk to deliver acorn cookies to his gram. She asks him to think about all of the things he’s thankful for on the way.
Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Marker
This book is one of my favorites. It reminds us of all of the things we have to be thankful for and the illustrations are fantastic. I feel like I find something new each time we read it.
Little Critter Being Thankful by Mercer Mayer
We always love Little Critter books and this is another great addition. It teaches gratitude in a simple way. It gives ideas you can talk about to do with the children to remind them to be grateful.
Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson
In this book, bear wants to invite his friends to his cave, but when he looks in his cupboard, he discovers that it is empty. Each of his friends brings something to his cave and the bear is sad because he has nothing to offer them. They reassure him that he has stories that he can tell them and that they are happy to be with him. This is a great lesson about the nature of friendship and the concept of thankfulness.
Free Printable Thankful Turkey Hat
And now that we’ve shared how to be thankful to our little ones, it’s time for our fun thankful turkey hat. Simply Print out the hat and have them color the front. There are 3 different options for the back strap. A blank one to have them draw what they are thankful for, and 2 different lined ones to use whichever fits your students the best.
If you need to make the hat larger simply print an additional page or attach a sentence strip.
Click the green box to download the free printable thankful turkey hat.
If you’re looking for even more ways to keep the conversation going on being thankful, I share a fun thankful tree craft here that also incorporates math into it.
Are there any other ways you like to teach your little ones about being thankful? Share with us below!
See you next time!
Thank you so much, my kinders will enjoy this!
Thank you, this is amazing. Just a perfect printable for a grateful theme.