Leap Year Skip Counting Board Game

Are your students working on skip counting? This Leap Year Skip Counting Board Game is a fun way for your little learners to practice!

Since this year is a leap year, I thought it would be fun to tie it into a math activity. Your students will have fun practicing their skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, or 10’s with this Leap Year Skip Counting Board Game.


First, I wanted to share some of our favorite skip counting videos.

Count by 2’s Dancing 2’s by Jack Harmann

Dancing 2’s is a fun way for kids to learn to skip count by 2. Kids follow along doing different dances as they count to 100 by 2. Every time they hit a placeholder of tens they change dances.

Exercise and Count by 5 by Jack Harmann

This fun song set to a Latin bear makes it easy to exercise and count by 5’s.

Count Together by 10’s by Jack Harmann

This is a great video to get your kids up and moving while they count along by 10’s.

Workout and Count- Skip Count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s | Count Backwards | by Jack Hartmann

Count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, odd numbers as well as skip count forward and backwards in this interactive learning video. Workout and count has a powerful beat that will motivate your children to move and have fun as they count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and odd numbers. Your children will get some great exercise as they practice their counting forward, counting backwards, and counting on skills.

Now that we’ve had some fun practicing our skip counting and getting the wiggles out, let’s play a game! This Leap Year Skip Counting Board Game can be used as a leap year activity but can, of course, be used any time of the year. I made 3 different game boards so your students can play spending on the counting method they’re working on right now.

To Prepare

You’ll need to print out the board game of your choice. You can download it at the bottom of this post. To play, you will also need a die and 2 game pieces to move. We used snap cubes, but anything from coins to mini erasers would work.

To Play

Have the person player roll the die and move that many spaces. If the player la ads on a flower, they will need to say the missing number. The player to the finish first wins. Have the players play again with a different board game to practice different ways of skip counting.

You can download the Leap Year Skip Counting Board Games by clicking the green box below.

If you’re looking for some more skip counting activities, we have some more fun options for you!

In this Leap Year Leap Frog Skip Counting Activity, there are skip counting cards for the students to put in the correct order and then use the frog to leap from lily pad to lily pad to practice their skip counting. There is also a page of blank lily pads for the students to write in the numbers.

Also included are numbers 2-100 to have the students place each number card in order for them to practice skip counting, by 2, 5, or 10’s.

And we also have this free printable skip counting by 2’s activity.

To make it even a bit more challenging, when they are ready, have them choose a higher number to start with. For example, the student chooses 45. Then have them continue to skip count on by 5's.

What are some of your favorite ways to have your students practice skip counting?

See you next time


Are your students working on skip counting? This Leap Year Skip Counting Board Game is a fun way for your little learners to practice!

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