Paper Plate Pumpkin Craft

I always look forward to being able to do craft projects with my kids. This paper plate pumpkin craft is one of my favorites this time of year. It’s simple enough for the youngest kids to make but also fun for the older kids. You probably already have everything on hand that you’ll need for this craft. By this time of the year, our scrap box is starting to fill up so this is the perfect project to use some of that paper.
Pumpkin Patch Bingo$4.00
Paper plates
Construction paper/scraps -orange, green, brown, and or black

Paper Plate Pumpkin Craft
No scissors are allowed in making this craft. There’s only good old fashion tearing happening today. It makes it a perfect activity for kids of all ages and abilities. Give each student a piece of orange construction paper (scraps work well too). Tear them into small pieces and make a pile. Each student will need to tear a small piece of green paper and a small piece of black or brown paper as well for the leaf and stem.

Once they have piles of torn paper. the students can squeeze some glue onto the paper plate. Cover the plate with the orange pieces of torn paper. Last, have them glue on their torn pieces of green and brown/black paper.

I love the fact that their so abstract and there is no pressure for the kids to have anything perfect. They look great on a bulletin board as a whole class pumpkin patch.

You could even take it a step further and have them turn the pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns by using more torn yellow paper. So many fun options.

If you’re looking for some read-alouds to go along with your pumpkin craft, we share all of our favorites in this post. Click here to check it out.

Happy pumpkin making!
See you next time!