Literacy Snack Bear Hunt Read-Aloud

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I’ve got a fun new Literacy Snack Bear Hunt Read-Aloud for you! Today we are reading an all time classic, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.
In the book, you follow a father and his four young children as they cross a field of tall, wavy grass, wade through a deep, cold river, struggle through swampy mud, find their way through a big, dark forest, fight through a whirling snowstorm, and enter finally enter a narrow, gloomy cave. What will they find there? You’ll have to read on to find out!
I have such fond memories of this book. It is definitely my one of my favorite books to sing along and do hand motions with.
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If you aren’t familiar wit the hand motions etc., Youtube has a some great videos. There are also some great Bear Hunt inspired Brain Breaks and even a Bear Hunt Cosmic Yoga!
Onto our snack to go along with the book today, we are making bears!
Bear Snack Idea
Ingredients needed per student
- One piece of bread
- Small amount of peanut butter , almond butter or sun butter
- 2 candy eyes
- 1 mini Oreo cookie
- 1 mini Nutter Butter cookie twisted apart into 2 pieces
You will also need a circle cookie cutter for the students to all share.
To Assemble The Bear Snack
To make the bear snack, first have the students take turns using the circle cookie cutter to cut their piece of bread into a circle. Next, they will spread a small amount of peanut butter covering their bread. Take the mini Oreo cookie and place it in the center of the circle as the bear’s nose. Place the eyes above the nose. Lastly, take the 2 pulled apart piece of the mini Nutter Butter cookie and place them as the bear’s ears. All done! So simple but so adorable!

While your kiddos are enjoying their snack, I made a free printable for them to work on. They can color and draw lines connecting the path that the family went on to find the bear.

You can download the Literacy Snack Bear Hunt Read-Aloud free printable by clicking the green box below.

Do you have any other favorite books that you love to sing along with and do fun movement and hand motions with?
See you next time!