Literacy Snack Idea Snowman

Winter brings so many fun things to learn about. We’ve been talking a lot about the weather lately, so this week’s book ties into our learning about snow. We don’t get snow where we live, so it’s always a fun treat to learn about snow and snowmen for our kids. For this week’s Literacy Snack Idea Snowman, we’re reading, “There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow!’ by Lucille Colandro.
“This time, the old lady is swallowing everything from snow to a pipe, some coal, a hat, and more! With rollicking, rhyming text, and funny illustrations, this lively version will appeal to young readers with every turn of the page. And this time, there’s a surprise at the end no reader will be able to guess!”
The surprise at the end is, of course, a snowman! So that’s what we will be making for our snack this week.
Snowman Bingo$4.00
each student will need
1 mini-size bagel
a tablespoon of whipped cream cheese
2 pretzel sticks
6 chocolate chips
1 baby carrot
and 3 M&M’s or Skittles
You’ll want to make sure all of your bagels are pre-sliced for the students. They may need a bit of help spreading the cream cheese on the bagels, so I usually just walk around from table to table helping with this step. After the cream cheese is on our snowman, the students get to add all of his details. I used the chocolate chips as his eyes and his mouth. The baby carrot for his nose. The pretzel sticks for his arms and the M&M’s for his buttons. Let the kids be creative and let them add them all as they like to build their snowmen.

Free Printable
While the students are enjoying their snowman snack, I made a free printable for them to work on. They get to remember back to the book and color in all the funny things that the old lady swallowed in order to make a snowman.

You can download the Literacy Snack Idea Snowman free printable from my teacherspayteachers store below.
If you’re looking for more snowman ideas to use during this time, the students love this snowman activities pack. It has everything from labeling a snowman to writing about how to build a snowman.
Or these snowman ten frame task cards are a fun addition to your math centers.
And our snowman real and nonsense word sort is fun for literacy centers or small group work.
What are some of your favorite snowman activities to do this time of year?
See you next time!