Free Rainbow Alphabet Letter Cards

These letter cards can be used in so many ways. Hop over and check out 10 fun ways  you can use the Free Rainbow Alphabet Letter Cards!

These Free Rainbow Alphabet Letter Cards are a great, hands-on way to practice the letters of the alphabet, beginning sounds,  work on fine motor skills and so much more! Rainbows always make me happy and are great to use all year long, or during your weather unit, St. Patrick’s Day, or spring in general.

Hands-on alphabet games are so beneficial for little learners. The cards are great for the students to be able to manipulate and hold in their hands. The small size allows the student to move while learning. The alphabet letter cards are engaging with their bright colors and cute rainbow which makes it even more fun for your little learners!

These letter cards can be used in so many ways. Keep reading and I’ll share 10 fun activities in which you can use the alphabet letter cards. You can download the letter cards at the end of the post by clicking the large green box that says, Click Here To Download.

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10 Fun Letter Alphabet Activities

  • Play, “Say It, Make It! ” Have your student choose a letter card. Have them say the letter name and then they can make the letter out of Cheerios, mini erasers, whatever you’d like to use.
  • The student chooses a letter card and they can practice making the letter using play dough.
  • Print out a second set of the letter cards and play memory. Have the student say the letter name or even the sound that it makes if they’re ready for that when they have made a match.
  • Have your students put the letter cards in alphabetical order or work in pairs together to arrange them in alphabetical order.
  • Turn the letter cards into a scavenger hunt or write the room activity. Have the students walk around the room and find each one of the letters, practicing writing each one down on a piece of paper each time they find one.
  • Give the student a container of magnet, foam, or mini eraser letters. Have them choose a letter card and find the matching magnet or eraser. Say the letter after they’ve matched each one.
  • Working in small groups or as a class, set out the letters on the floor and choose a student and have them hop to that letter.
  • When your student know all of the letters, have them choose a letter card and say the beginning sound it makes. To take it a step further have them also say a word that starts with that letter.
  • Grab a set of stamps. Have your student choose a letter card and have them stamp that matching letter on a sheet of paper.
  • Add the letter cards to a sensory bin. Students can pick a letter card out of the sensory bin and then trace that letter with a straw in a salt tray or have them write it on a piece of paper.

Click the green box below to download the rainbow alphabet letter cards for FREE!

I hope you enjoy all these alphabet activities using the free rainbow alphabet letter cards! Let us know in the comments below if you have any other fun ways that you like to use them in the classroom!

Thanks for stopping by!


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