Literacy Snack Frog Read Aloud

Spring is in the air here in Arizona! It’s lining up perfectly with our frog unit so this week for our Literacy Snack Frog Read Aloud we’re reading, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Frog!, by Lucille Colandro.
The old woman, first she swallows a frog (she was in a fog.) Then she proceeds to swallow some dirt, some seeds, the rain, the sunlight, some gloves, and finally a rake. (“That was a mistake!”). In the end, she burps out a colorful garden. The frog is returned to his flowery environment wishing everyone a “Happy Spring!”
For our snack this week, we’re going to be making that cute little green frog!
Spring Bingo$4.00
Snack Idea
Each student will need
2 green apple slices
2 large candy eyeballs
2 green grapes cut in half
A small piece of red Pull n Peel Twizzlers
Either peanut butter or cream cheese to use as glue for the eyes
To make the frogs, the students will put the two green apple slices on top of each other laying on their sides. Place the Twizzler in-between the apple slices for the frog’s tongue. Place two of the grape halves at the back corner of the apple slices as his back legs. The other two grape halves toward the middle front of the frog as his front legs. Last, the students can add the eyeballs using just a tiny amount of peanut butter or cream cheese as the glue. So cute!

Free Printable
While the students are enjoying their frog snacks, I made a free printable for them to work on. They get to color all of the items that the old lady swallowed in the book. It’s a fun way to go back and have them retell the story themselves.

You can download the Literacy Snack Frog Read Aloud free printable from my TeachersPayTeachers store by clicking the green box below.

If you’re looking for another fun frog activity, we love making our frog craft and writing fun facts about them!
Hope your students enjoy their frog snacks!
See you next time!