Literacy Snack Idea Thanksgiving Pie

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Thanksgiving will be here before we know it! I have another fun read-aloud perfect to add to your Thanksgiving book collection. Today, we are reading Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie.
In this book, Peyton is very particcular. She doesn’t like it when two foods touch on her plate. Peyton doesn’t like green foods. Or orange foods. Or red foods. Peyton doesn’t like foods that are gooey or gummy, sticky or slimy, frosted or flaky. And Peyton most definitely doesn’t like chunky or lumpy foods. She decides that this Thanksgiving she is going to try one new food, and decides that it will be pie. But there are sooo many pies to choose from which one will it be?
The illustrations in this book are fantastic, all of the guests are diverse and the spirit of the dinner is happy and spirited. The book is a celebration of food, family, and community and being open to trying new things.
For this weeks snack to go along with the book, we’re having pie!
This article works well with these resources from Primary Playground.
Thanksgiving Bingo$4.00
Snack Idea -Thanksgiving Pie
In the book there is a wonderful recipe for apple pie if you’d like to make that. To keep it simple for the classroom, we used small individual pies that you can find in the bakery section at Walmart. They are $.50 each so it works out to be a doable cost. We chose 2 pies for each student to taste. They have all different types of flavors of pies to choose from so it’s easy to enocrage the students to try one of the pies that they haven’t tasted before. If you’re giving tastes of the pies, you can easily split each pie for 3-4 kiddos.

Free Printable
I made a free printable for the kiddos to work on while they are enjoying their taste testing of pies too. They get to draw in their favorite foods they have on Thanksgiving, and then also draw in one new food they would want to try this year.

You can download the free printable from my TeachersPayTeachers store by clicking the green box below.

I have another fun activity that I’ve shared in the past that you can do along side this book too. Instead of trying different pies, the whole class could do a taste test to see if they like pumpkin pie or not. You can grab the free printable activities here.

And here’s few more fun activities that go well with the book too.
See you next time!